May the song of Christmas
Be music to your ears
A symphony of love
That resounds throughout the year
That brings you nearer to your neighbour
And closer to your friend
That becomes a natural outpouring
Of love that never ends
May its tempo so reflect
The joyous gladness of that day
That it excites your heart
And makes brighter your pathway
And may the fullness of its tones
As it louder swells
Kindle faith within your spirit
By the peeling of the bell
We pray the song of Christmas
Resounds throughout the year
And we hope you are receptive
Child-like enough to hear!
Joy Belle Burgess
These are just some of the memories that many of us share at this wonderful time of the year – memories of Christmases past filled with the love of family, heart-warming activities and traditions that have somehow slipped away with the passing of the years.We remember the long go community Christmas parties where the organizers had arranged a feast for all members of the community, gifts for all the children and a memory making evening for all. Many of these events were planned and funded by Women's Institutes, and they served to bring the communities together and foster good will and friendships that survived many years.May we all have a community Christmas, and may we look forward to a wonderful year filled with the joy, love and happiness that permeated the world of Christmases past.
Merry Christmas everyone!