The WI campaign on issues that are important to our members, to educate not only ourselves but to make changes in our communities. Campaigning is part of who we are, using our voice to tackle issues that are important to us.
The British Columbia Women’s Institute is once again proud to announce we are accepting applications for our Forensic Nursing Bursary!!
Each Bursary, up to $1,000.00, will be awarded to a Registered Nurse that is licensed, working, and residing in the Province of BC and currently enrolled in a FNE education course at BCIT - FSCT 7810 or FSCT 7840.
The Bursary is meant to cover the cost of tuition and any remaining funds are meant to assist with the expense of purchasing required texts.
This competition requires a completed Bursary application form, proof of enrolment, and a brief summary outlining your activities and ambitions. Please submit all of the documentation to the BCWI Provincial Office no later than two weeks prior to the start of FSCT 7810 or FSCT 7840 start dates in order to be eligible.
The governing body of the British Columbia Women’s Institute, the Board of Directors, will select the winning recipient of each BCWI Forensic Nursing Bursary. We will announce the winner promptly. The funds will be distributed once you forward original receipts and proof of successful completion of the course to our Provincial Office.
Recipients of the Bursary must consent to writing a follow-up letter to the BCWI Provincial Office one year after receiving the Bursary. In this letter we want to hear how this bursary helped you, what you accomplished, if you are practicing as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, if you are still working in BC, and any other experiences from the last year that you would like to share.