Projects and Initiatives
Our Projects and Initiatives are challenges or ideas that WI members throughout the province can work on. They help build solidarity and a sense of what we can accomplish together.

The BCWI Kindness Initiative is all about small acts of kindness that help us feel good about ourselves and each other. It takes so little time to smile or say hello, but the impacts are huge. Be kind for others and yourself.
For many, many years, the Associated Country Women of the World have encouraged members to become pen pals with members in other countries. The same is encouraged within Canada, in an effort, in both cases, to stimulate conversation, encourage the trading of opinions and in general create a healthy attitude between people who really don't know one another. Numerous times, these tenuous connections have resulted in life long friendships, and special trips to see one another, maybe for the first time!
We have heard much promotion of unity among Canadians. Even though Quebec has held referendums about separating from Canada, the women of this country have found ways of joining hands and coming together in friendship.