Join like-minded women, passionate about leaving a legacy for British Columbia
Ready to Join the BCWI today?
To join BCWI please contact the BCWI office for the contact details on the branches closest to you. The yearly membership fee to join BCWI is $50.00. Or if it is not convenient for you to join a Branch, due to your location, or availability, you can join BCWI as a ‘Member at Large’. Members at Large receive all the correspondence that other members do and can partake fully in BCWI meetings or events. You can purchase your Membership at Large through our online store or you can also call the office for more details.
For more information, read our FAQ below, or contact the BCWI Office by email or phone.
What Our Members Are Saying
“I joined because of the many mentions of Women's Institute's in Harlequin and Agatha Christie books. It became the place I needed to finally feel accepted and as a result I grew in so many ways. My husband was very supportive as he saw my development. I am forever thankful to the Northside Women's Institute for what they provided in my life.”
— EveAnne Riggs
“While WI is about making life better for women around the world, it is also about community and supporting each other locally in all walks of life in which I feel Sinkut WI does a stand up job... WI truly is about Home and Country.”
— Patti Pyy
“I joined the WI after being invited by a friend. I enjoyed the fellowship and the opportunity to work with like minded women doing work for the betterment of our community.
I am a full-time working Mom of two school aged boys. I like that through the WI we can write resolutions to our government lobbying for changes we see that need to take place in our community.”
— Kim Coy
“WI is the greatest teacher; you can learn from all the other ladies by sharing ideas, good books to read, raising funds for others in the community, by learning how to conduct meetings, take minutes, do finances, how to write letters to the government officials and share skills.
I love that I can teach others skills as well, like how to make dream catchers. I want to be an active member of our community and help wherever I am needed and WI does that for me.
WI is more than just community, it is a strong voice that can be heard on items of concern in our district, province, country or internationally.”
-Dawn Bellamy
Still have Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions about BCWI
+ Why was WI started?
The first Women’s Institute was started in 1897 in Stoney Creek,
Ontario by Adelaide Hoodless who advocated for the education and
promotion of women in food safety, family health and community
service. Today that is what WI continues to do, serving our communities, making our homes better, but also committing to the issues of our times.
+ What can WI offer?
WI offers friendship, opportunities to learn new skills or to teach, a way to give back to your community, and a chance to change our society for the better, through projects, resolutions and campaigns.
+ Are we just a bunch of old ladies that quilt?
Yes we quilt (and some of us do it really well!), but we also offer
friendship, a chance to learn new skills, we are involved, vital and
willing to forge ahead on new issues and concerns. There are older
members many who have been involved in WI for years and can offer
much to all members. Doesn’t that say a lot about an organization
when members who have been involved for many years are still going
strong and love the WI? We are for ALL women, of all ages, and
nationalities, you are all welcome.
+ Is there a lot of fundraising?
Each branch has different mandates and local or provincial charities
they support. Fundraising can be fun projects, doing bake sales,
dinners, auctions, making items for raffles. It is a way for the branch to not only work together but interact within their communities.
+ Is WI just for rural women?
No WI is for all women either living in the country, towns or cities.
The Wi organization began as a rural group in Canada and grew to be
one of the most influential movements in the world.
+ What types of membership are available?
Most members belong to a Branch and pay yearly dues to the Branch,
which in turn sends those dues to the BCWI office to be processed.
There are also members that join without belonging to a Branch, they
are called Members At Large. There are times when because of time
constraints, logistics or other commitments this is the best way for
some to join. Members at Large can pay their yearly fee through the
website or contact the office to send a cheque.
+ Is there space for me as a younger woman?
Yes, younger women are most welcome as they may have concerns
that we older members have dealt with in the past but need our
support today. WI accepts all age groups and address their concerns
through resolutions and campaigns if needed.
+ I don’t do crafts. What other activities do you have?
There is a place for you, crafts are not for everyone and WI does many other things. We offer friendship, a place to meet new people and get involved in your community, we cook, we garden, we preserve food, we donate time and funds to local charities. We have speakers at our Branch meetings to add interest to the meetings, we campaign either on local or provincial issues, we form resolutions. WI can be whatever you need it to be. Many of our competitions at our Triennial Convention include essay writing, photography, cooking, canning. WI also can have speakers at our AGM ’s addressing concerns that have been brought forward.
+ What does a Resolution mean and how do they move forward?
Resolutions are items of concern that come from the Branches, the
grass roots of BCWI. They can be of a local, district, provincial or
national, or international concern. When approved by BCWI letters are
directed to the appropriate government. We have a stronger voice
when it comes from women all over the province. Resolutions of a
national concern are forwarded to our national organization
Federated Women’s Institutes Of Canada / WI Canada and if approved
then letters are sent to the appropriate federal minister. A stronger
voice represented by all the provinces.
+ What is a Campaign?
Campaigns are concerns whereby members throughout the province
can make a difference, for example getting rid of one time plastics.
Campaigns can also rise from resolutions that have been passed at
the BCWI level.
+ What is the object British Columbia Women’s Institute (BCWI)?
The objects of BCWI, is to help coordinate not only the WI Institutes
in BC but to cooperate with other provincial bodies, the FWIC and
BCWI acts to aids in cooperation with women by working together in our homes, communities, and country.
+ What is WI Canada/ Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada?
“The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada / WI Canada is the
national organization that provides a united voice for all Women’s
Institutes across Canada while advocating for national directives in
health, poverty, food safety, environmental preservation and
community support.” Learn more here.
+ What is the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW)?
The BCWI is a Constituent Category 1 Society of the ACWW which
means our membership allows us to be represented at the ACWW
Triennial Conference, which happens every 3 years and we are
allowed 5 votes.
“The Associated Country Women of the World exists to amplify the
voices of rural women, so that the problems they face and the
solutions they raise are heard and acknowledged by international
policy-makers and legislators. Rural women are the backbone of
families, of communities, of nations, but they are often a silent
support, adapting to change and tragedy with comparative ease. They
bear the burden of conflict, they go unheard in legislation, and they
remain unprotected and unsupported. ACWW exists to change that.” Learn more here.
“I have made some lifelong friends that are so dear to me.
The Sinkut WI Ladies all seem to work well together whether it be preparing for our Valentines Tea to selling Ice Cream Cones at the Fall Fair to our Christmas Bazaar and Activities.
We all seem to have the same goal in mind… HELPING OTHERS!!
For Home and Country!”
- Shelly Simrose