A brief Review of Some World Conferences

Held every three years, the Associated Country Women of the World Conferences are like a grand reunion of friends of longstanding and shared friendships. U have had the pleasure of attending two such conferences in 1980 and 1983.
The 1980 Conferencewas in Hamburg, Germany, and even travelling there was an adventure! LeavingEdmonton in mid- afternoon and arriving at the Amsterdam Airport early in themorning was a shock in itself – but turning on the television set and hearingnothing but German, although expected, was still a bit of a surprise.
The Conference itself was exhilarating! Women in nationalcostumes from the four corners of the world -- the numerous conversations inlanguages not understood--- and the twisted church spire seen from our hotelwindow, a leftover from World War Two: all were reminders we were not inCanada. I came home from that venture with a renewed commitment to the Women'sInstitute and its members world wide.
In 1983 the conference was in Canada! This time, not as a guest, but as hostesses,the Conference was different. But it had it's own high points: serving a salmon barbeque to some 1800attendees -- more participation in thedebates – and the crowning achievement –the new elected President was a Canadian member from Nova Scotia, Dr. EllenMcLean!
The Conference this year was held in April in Melbourne Australia. Our new President is a member from South Africa. Maggie de Kock brings to her new office a wealth of experience in many offices in in societies in her home country, as well as having attended five World Convention<She has served on the ACWW Executive Committee, and as Chairman ACWW Publications and Promotion Committee as well as Chairman of the Marketing and Communications Committee.

This time we have fourmembers from Canada serving in ACWWpositions. Linda Hoy, from Quebec and recently retired FWIC President is nowthe Area President for Canada, also serving as Committee Chairmen for thecoming term, with their Committee name are: Marie Kenny of Prince Edward Island– United Nations; Sheila Needham ofQuebec - Communications and Marketing;and Christine Raeburn of Ontario as Honourary Secretary and the chairman of theTriennial Conference Committee.
With these talented ladies joining the new executive, andalso as Chairmen of committees, we, I believe, can look forward to an excitingand most interesting three years of ACWW leadership. Just what the focus willbe will unfold as the months pass, but watch your Countrywoman magazineand information from Linda for updates and new challenges.
There are challenges here at home, as well as around theworld. But in the efforts we make as members of the Associated County Women ofthe World to make the lives of families better in developing countries is aninvestment in world peace, and that goal is one that every member of ACWW workstoward!
Yours For Home and Country,
Ruth Fenner, Provincial Historian
British Columbia Women's Institute