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Sourdough Bread Recipe
Sourdough bread is known for it’s unique flavour, crusty crust and chewy texture. It is made with a live fermented culture , not the traditional commercial yeast sold in stores . Studies have shown that sourdough bread is healthier than those made with store bought yeast, so give it a try!

What Country Women are Doing - 1933
Earlier this year, I wrote about a book which was edited by Sholto Watt titled “What Country Women of the World are Doing”. This volume of some 258 pages, compiled from submissions of country women from all active member countries of the Associated Country Women of the World, highlights some of the lighter, entertaining activities of the various groups.

The 1962 Health Brief, Part 2
The first column dedicated to the BRIEF PRESENTED TO THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HEALTH SERVICES, as prepared by the British Columbia Women's Institute appeared on the organization's website this past January. In this column, we will examine other points that were addressed, and how they have been addressed in the years since 1962.

Do You Live Life "In The Fast Lane?"
Recently I found the following poem, published in a column by “Dear Abby”. Introducing it, she wrote: I recently published a prayer entitled “Slow Me Down, Lord” and asked help from my readers in identifying its author.

Stockholm, Sweden, 1933
In his book, What Country Women of the World Are Doing, Sholto Watt, son of Madge and Dr. Alfred Watt, covered the June 1933 meeting in Stockholm, Sweden at some length. Here it was the name the Associated Country Women of the World was chosen and written in four languages on the blackboard: English, French, German and Swedish.

The Times They Are A-Changing
January 2020 arrived with great plans for the British Columbia Women's Institute: while the members of South Vancouver Island District were busily planning the Provincial Convention planned for June in the Saanich area of Vancouver Island, and the Associated Country Women of the World area conference at the same venue few days later, no one anticipated the what the next six months would bring.