The Legacy of Adelaide Hunter Hoodless

Adelaide Hunter Hoodless - born 27 February 1857 - died 26 February 1910
The above dates are merely bookends to a short life, 53 years less a day, but one filled with service to family, community and nation. What an enormous amount of dedication and service she provided in her short life span – what an example to women who have, or are, following in her footsteps! So, what is her legacy?
Adelaide was born into a farm family a few months after herfather passed away. She was the last of fourteen children, and everyone had ajob to do to keep the farm going to provide the needs for the family. So shegrew up knowing dedication to hard work, and developed the determination to notfail. She was an attractive young woman, and since she exhibited an ability toboth work and learn, one of her older sisters, now married, provided her with ahome where she could attend college. Here she met, and later married, JohnHoodless, the only son of a successful Hamilton furniture manufacturer.
Now her life changed. The knowledge and social skills shelearned at college prepared her for her new life – as a well-to-do socialite inthe Hamilton community. Adelaide became known as a gracious hostess who kept agood house and was devoted to her husband and family. When they lost their sonJohn Harold at eighteen months, she was devastated. Having reached theconclusion his death could have been avoided had she been better informed about milk borne diseases and how to avoidthem, she vowed to work to educate women to help avoid more such needlessdeaths.
The rest of the story many of you already know. She went onto found, or co-found, the Women's Institutes, the Canadian Council of Women,the Victorian Order of Nurses in Canada, and to write the first DomesticScience textbook at the request of the Ontario Department of Education. All ofthis took place over one hundred years ago.
So I ask again: What is her legacy to women and familiestoday?
First, she has left us an exemplary guide to success. She wasdetermined, focused, knowledgeable, passionate and well-spoken. She knew whatshe was talking about, and she knew who to talk to. She never lost sight of hergoal, and she expanded her aspirations as opportunities presented themselves.
Adelaide Hoodless played a role in the early Young Women'sChristian Association, together with Lady Aberdeen, the Victorian Order ofNurses in Canada was founded, and with the cooperation of Erland Lee, the firstWomen's Institute in the world was founded February 19, 1897 in Stoney Creek,Ontario.
Adelaide Hoodless gave an inspired speech to “a meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs in Massey Hall, Toronto, but half way through her talk, while her audience was enthusiastically applauding, Adelaide Hoodless, smiling, sipped some water. Suddenly the crash of a glass was heard, she fell to the floor lifeless.”
In short, she bequeathed to us a pattern to use when weidentify a need that requires addressing. She pointed the way – all we need todo is follow her example. But to do so, we must be informed about what sheachieved.
Ruth Fenner, BCWI Provincial Historian
*quoted from Adelaide Hoodless, Woman with a Vision byRuth Howes, 1965