Read More about the latest BC Women’s Institute happenings

Interesting story about Pfizer & COVID Vaccine
Ironically, this vaccine which will save the lives of millions of people around the world …

Gardening Time!
April is traditionally gardening time, and no doubt many of you are reading the gardening

A Born Crusader
Personally, I do not believe in “re-inventing the wheel”, so when I find an excellently written article on an early Women's Institute activist, I use that material. Such is the case with this article.

AGM 2021 Registration Form
BCWI AGM 2021 Registration Form. Our meeting is via Zoom Video Conferencing, join us!! We will have interesting guest speakers …

Network News Feb/Mar 2021
Information & forms for our upcoming Annual General Meeting, along with changes to the ACWW Canada Area Conference and WI Canada/FWIC Convention …

What’s In a Name?
“I doubt there are many organizations that have been so aptly named for the task they have undertaken …”

February is WI Month!
February is WI month, celebrate it with your favourite cake and beverage!

What Should We Do This Winter?
We have just been through a very different Christmas season …

A Greener Way
Our thoughtful choices even after death can help with the environment al challenges that are currently being felt in our world. Alkaline Hydrolysis is something new to most of us, but certainly a process that maybe should be considered.

What the Women’s Institutes Do for Others at Christmas
Christmas has always been a busy time of year for the Women’s Institutes.

In this month of November, people around the world take time to remember those who have been victims of world conflicts -

Colwood Women’s Institute
The first Women’s Institute was established by Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless on February 19, 1897 in Squires Hall, Stoney Creek, Ontario.

Rape Kit Resolution
Violent crimes against women continue to grow despite efforts to curb the abuse. If a women is the subject of a crime such as rape, we need to ensure that Test Kits are not only available Canada wide but that the victim is approached in a kind, compassionate manor.

Network News Christmas 2020
In this issue we have Christmas Greetings from our BCWI Board of Director’s

Network News Nov/Dec/Jan Issue
In this issue is information on launching our Kindness Initiative, Victoria Salliss Legacy and Resolution updates

Sourdough Bread Recipe
Sourdough bread is known for it’s unique flavour, crusty crust and chewy texture. It is made with a live fermented culture , not the traditional commercial yeast sold in stores . Studies have shown that sourdough bread is healthier than those made with store bought yeast, so give it a try!

BCWI Kindness Initiative
The BCWI Kindness Initiative is all about small acts of kindness that help us feel good about ourselves and each other. It takes so little time to smile or say hello, but the impacts are huge. Be kind for others and yourself.

What Country Women are Doing - 1933
Earlier this year, I wrote about a book which was edited by Sholto Watt titled “What Country Women of the World are Doing”. This volume of some 258 pages, compiled from submissions of country women from all active member countries of the Associated Country Women of the World, highlights some of the lighter, entertaining activities of the various groups.